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Le mot against est un mot étranger

18 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • against prep. In a contrary direction to.
  • against prep. In physical opposition to; in collision with.
  • against prep. In physical contact with, so as to abut or be supported by.
  • against prep. Close to, alongside.
  • against prep. In front of; before (a background).
  • against prep. In contrast or comparison with.
  • against prep. In competition with, versus.
  • against prep. Contrary to; in conflict with.
  • against prep. In opposition to.
  • against prep. Of betting odds, denoting a worse-than-even chance.
  • against prep. In exchange for.
  • against prep. As counterbalance to. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  • against prep. As a charge on.
  • against prep. As protection from.
  • against prep. In anticipation of; in preparation for (A particular time, event etc.).
  • against prep. (Hollywood) To be paid now in contrast to the following…
  • against prep. (Obsolete) Exposed to. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  • against conj. (Obsolete) By the time that (something happened); before.
21 mots français tirés des 18 définitions étrangères

anticipation background betting Can chance charge Close collision contact direction etc even exchange for front Hollywood opposition protection the time versus

46 mots étrangers tirés des 18 définitions étrangères

abut add alongside as␣to before By␣the␣time Close␣to comparison competition conflict contrary Contrary␣to contrast counterbalance denoting even␣chance event example Exposed following from happened In␣competition in␣contrast In␣exchange In␣exchange␣for In␣front In␣front␣of now Obsolete odds paid particular physical preparation sense so␣as so␣as␣to something supported than that this to␣the with worse

15 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

aga -aga ain Ain aïn Aín -ain ’aïn ains AINS aïns gai gain gains Ins

4 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

aga -aga nia Nia

7 anagrammes (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant l'ordre des lettres du mot.)

gansait gantais gitanas saignât santiag stagnai taginas

60 anagrammes avec une lettre supplémentaire (Nouveaux mots formés avec toutes les lettres du mot et une lettre supplémentaire.)

agantais agations agissant agitants agnatisa agnatise agnatisé agnatois Agnatois agonisât Anstaing anti-âges antigais antigays assignat assignât astinage bastaing Castaing engatsai fatigans gaditans Gaditans gainants gainâtes gaînâtes garantis Gastonia gatinais Gatinais gâtinais Gâtinais gâtisant gitanisa glaisant granitas gratinas Mastaing nuagisât saignait saignant saignota Saint-Gal salignat Salignat sangeait sanglait Santiago santiags satinage +10 mots

50 anagrammes moins une lettre (Nouveaux mots formés avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)

aganit agatis agâtis agians agitas agnats Angaïs anisât ansait asinât astina asting atsina gainas gaînas gainât gaînât gaïtas ganais ganait gansai gansât gantai gantas gâtais gatans gâtisa gisant gitana gitans Gitans naisât natais sagina Sagnat saigna sanait Saniga satani satina signât stagna tagina tagnia taïgan taïgas Tanaïs tangas tanisa tisana

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