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Le mot back est un mot étranger

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— Mot étranger, défini en français —
  • Suédois
    • bäck n. (Géographie) Ruisseau.
— Mot français, défini en anglais —
  • back adv. (Louisiana French, Cajun French, Acadian) back.
— En portugais —
  • back s. (Entorpecente) (estrangeirismo) ver beque.
— En anglais —
  • back adj. At or near the rear.
  • back adj. (Predicative) Returned or restored to a previous place or condition.
  • back adj. Not current.
  • back adj. Situated away from the main or most frequented areas.
  • back adj. In arrears; overdue.
  • back adj. Moving or operating backward.
  • back adj. (Comparable, phonetics) Pronounced with the highest part…
  • back adv. (Not comparable) To or in a previous condition or place.
  • back adv. In a direction opposite to that in which someone or something…
  • back adv. In a direction opposite to the usual or desired direction…
  • back adv. So as to reverse direction and return.
  • back adv. Towards, into or in the past.
  • back adv. Away from someone or something; at a distance.
  • back adv. Away from the front or from an edge.
  • back adv. So as shrink, recede or move aside, or cause to do so.
  • back adv. In a manner that impedes.
  • back adv. (Not comparable) In a reciprocal manner; in return.
  • back adv. (Postpositive) Earlier, ago.
  • back adv. To a later point in time. See also put back.
  • back Before now; ago.
  • back n. The rear of the body, especially the part between the neck…
  • back n. That which is farthest away from the front.
  • back n. (Figuratively) Upper part of a natural object which is considered…
  • back n. A support or resource in reserve.
  • back n. (Nautical) The keel and keelson of a ship.
  • back n. (Mining) The roof of a horizontal underground passage.
  • back n. (Slang, uncountable) Effort, usually physical.
  • back n. A non-alcoholic drink (often water or a soft drink), to go…
  • back n. Among leather dealers, one of the thickest and stoutest tanned hides.
  • back n. (Swimming) Clipping of backstroke.
  • back v. (Intransitive) To go in the reverse direction.
  • back v. (Transitive) To support.
  • back v. (Nautical, of the wind) To change direction contrary to the…
  • back v. (Nautical, of a square sail) To brace the yards so that the…
  • back v. (Nautical, of an anchor) To lay out a second, smaller anchor…
  • back v. (UK, of a hunting dog) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed.
  • back v. (Transitive) To push or force backwards.
  • back v. (Transitive, obsolete) To get upon the back of; to mount.
  • back v. (Transitive, obsolete) To place or seat upon the back.
  • back v. To make a back for; to furnish with a back.
  • back v. To adjoin behind; to be at the back of.
  • back v. To write upon the back of, possibly as an endorsement.
  • back v. (Law, of a justice of the peace) To sign or endorse (a warrant…
  • back v. To row backward with (oars).
  • back v. (MLE, transitive) To draw from behind the back [+accusative…
  • back v. (Nigeria, transitive) To carry an infant on one’s back.
  • back n. A large shallow vat; a cistern, tub, or trough, used by brewers…
  • back n. A ferryboat.
  • Back prop.n. A surname.
  • Back prop.n. A settlement on the Isle of Lewis, Western Isles council…
  • back- pref. Back in its adverbial senses.
  • back- pref. Situated, located, or toward the rear; backward or in…
  • back- pref. (UK, obsolete) False; pseudo-.
— En allemand —
  • back Adv. Seemannssprache: entgegen, zurück, rückwärts.
  • back V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs backen.
  • Back S. Aufbau auf dem Vorschiff.
  • Back S. Schüssel für das Essen.
  • Back S. Tisch, auf dem das Essen aufgetragen wird.
  • Back S. Veraltet, noch schweizerisch; Sport, speziell Fußball: Spieler…
— En néerlandais —
  • back n. (Sport) verdediger, achterspeler.
  • back n. Achter(kant).
  • back w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van backen.
  • back w. Gebiedende wijs van backen.
  • back w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van backen.
2 mots français tirés de la définition française

Géographie Ruisseau

74 mots français tirés des 66 définitions étrangères

accusative adverbial areas body brace Cajun carry cause change comparable condition das dealers dem des direction distance drink Effort endorse Essen ferryboat for force French front horizontal infant Intransitive Isle justice large Law Lewis main neck Nigeria non opposite out part passage past Person place point pseudo- push put reserve resource reverse roof second See settlement Slang soft Spieler Sport square stand support the time transitive tub underground van ver warrant water Western yards

197 mots étrangers tirés des 66 définitions étrangères

Acadian Achter achterspeler adjoin ago Aktiv alcoholic also Among anchor and another arrears aside as␣to auf Aufbau aufgetragen away back backen Back␣in backstroke backward backwards Before behind beque between Bij brewers Cajun␣French cistern Clipping considered contrary contrary␣to council current desired dog draw Earlier edge Eerste Eerste␣persoon endorsement enkelvoud entgegen Entorpecente especially estrangeirismo False farthest farthest␣away Figuratively frequented from Fußball für furnish Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs get go␣in has hides highest hunting hunting␣dog impedes Imperativ In␣a␣manner in␣reserve in␣return in␣the␣past in␣time into inversie Isle␣of␣Lewis Isles its kant keel keelson later lay lay␣out leather located Louisiana make manner Mining MLE most mount move Moving natural Nautical near noch non-alcoholic Not now oars object obsolete of␣a of␣an often one on␣the operating or␣something overdue peace persoon phonetics physical pointed point␣in␣time possibly Postpositive Präsens Predicative previous Pronounced put␣back rear recede reciprocal restored return Returned row rückwärts sail Schüssel schweizerisch seat See␣also Seemannssprache senses shallow ship shrink sign Singular Situated smaller So␣as So␣as␣to soft␣drink someone something so␣that speziell square␣sail stand␣still still stoutest surname Swimming tanned tegenwoordige␣tijd that thickest tijd Tisch to␣go to␣the toward Towards trough tweede tweede␣persoon uncountable upon Upper used usual usually vat Veraltet Verbs verdediger Vorschiff Western␣Isles which wijs wind wird with write zurück

170 suffixes (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres à la fin du mot.)

backa backe Backe backé backai backas backât backée backer backes backés backez backup backais backait backant backées backend backent backera backers backiez backing backlog backons backupa backupe backupé backâmes backasse backâtes backbone Backburn backdoor bäckeofe backerai backeras backerez Backford Backhill backions backlash Backnang backroom back-room backspin backupai backupas backupât backupée +120 mots

186 fois au milieu (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres devant et à la fin du mot.)

Kubacki rebacka rebacke rebacké colbacks cut-backs Debacker De␣Backer rebackai rebackas rebackât rebackée rebacker rebackes rebackés rebackez comebacks backupa backupe backupé drawbacks feedbacks loopbacks playbacks play-backs rebackais rebackait rebackant rebackées rebackent rebackera rebackiez rebackons rebackupa rebackupe rebackupé rollbacka rollbacke rollbacké snapbacks step-backs zwiebacks barebacker backupai backupas backupât backupée backuper backupes backupés +136 mots

38 préfixes (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres devant le mot.)

colback cut-back Kemback outback tieback bareback callback cashback cash-back cash␣back comeback come-back come␣back drawback feedback feed-back loopback playback play-back push-back rollback snapback step-back zwieback flashback flash-back greenback lease-back matchback ridgeback slingback chargeback silverback biofeedback quarterback neurofeedback rhodesian-ridgeback rhodesian␣ridgeback

4 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

ACK bac BAC Báč

Un sous-mot DàG (Mot écrit de droite à gauche, se trouvant tel quel à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)


12 anagrammes avec une lettre supplémentaire (Nouveaux mots formés avec toutes les lettres du mot et une lettre supplémentaire.)

backa backe Backe backé becak black Black bocka Bocka bucka cibak kabic

9 anagrammes moins une lettre (Nouveaux mots formés avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)

abc ACB ACK bac BAC Báč Bäk cab kab

24 cousins (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)

Baak Bach baco Bacq bacs bacu Balk bank Bark bock buck hack jack Jack lack Mack Nack pack rack tack Tack wack yack Zack

5 lipogrammes (Nouveaux mots formés en enlevant une lettre du mot.)

ACK bac BAC Báč Bäk

2 épenthèses (Nouveaux mots formés en insérant une lettre dans le mot.)

black Black

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