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Le mot chuck est dans le Wiktionnaire

34 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— Mot français —
  • Chuck prén.m. Prénom masculin.
— Mots étrangers, définis en français —
— En anglais —
  • chuck n. (Cooking) Meat from the shoulder of a cow or other animal.
  • chuck n. (US, slang, dated) Food.
  • chuck n. (Mechanical engineering) A mechanical device that holds an…
  • chuck v. To place in a chuck, or hold by means of a chuck, as in turning.
  • chuck v. To bore or turn (a hole) in a revolving piece held in a chuck.
  • chuck n. (Dialect, obsolete) A chicken, a hen.
  • chuck n. A clucking sound.
  • chuck n. (Slang) A friend or close acquaintance; term of endearment.
  • chuck v. To make a clucking sound.
  • chuck v. To call, as a hen her chickens.
  • chuck v. (Obsolete) To chuckle; to laugh.
  • chuck n. A gentle touch or tap.
  • chuck n. (Informal) A casual throw.
  • chuck n. (Cricket, informal) A throw, an incorrect bowling action.
  • chuck n. (Slang) An act or instance of vomiting.
  • chuck n. (Music) On rhythm guitar or mandolin etc., the muting of…
  • chuck v. To touch or tap gently.
  • chuck v. (Transitive, informal) To throw, especially in a careless…
  • chuck v. (Intransitive, cricket) To throw; to bowl with an incorrect action.
  • chuck v. (Transitive, informal) To discard, to throw away.
  • chuck v. (Transitive, informal) To jilt; to dump.
  • chuck v. (Transitive, informal, dated) To give up; to stop doing; to quit.
  • chuck v. (Intransitive, slang) To vomit.
  • chuck v. (South Africa, slang, intransitive) To leave; to depart; to bounce.
  • chuck v. (Music) On rhythm guitar or mandolin etc.: to mute a chord…
  • chuck n. Abbreviation of woodchuck.
  • chuck n. (Scotland) A small pebble.
  • chuck n. (Scotland, obsolete, slang, in the plural) Money.
  • Chuck prop.n. A form of the male given name Charles, of mostly American usage.
  • Chuck n. (Informal, usually in the plural) a Chuck Taylor All-Stars shoe.
  • Chuck prop.n. (Canada, slang) The city of Edmonton.
4 mots français tirés des 3 définitions françaises

Eau Liquide masculin Prénom

34 mots français tirés des 31 définitions étrangères

acquaintance action animal bore bowl bowling call Canada casual Charles Chuck close cricket dump Edmonton etc incorrect instance intransitive male mute place plural revolving slang Stars stop tap Taylor the Transitive usage vomit woodchuck

86 mots étrangers tirés des 31 définitions étrangères

Abbreviation act Africa All American as␣in away bounce by␣means␣of careless chicken chickens chord chuck chuckle city clucking Cooking cow dated depart device Dialect discard doing endearment engineering especially Food form friend from gentle gently give given given␣name give␣up guitar held hen her hold holds hole informal jilt laugh leave make mandolin means Meat mechanical Mechanical␣engineering Money mostly Music muting name obsolete of␣a other pebble piece quit rhythm rhythm␣guitar Scotland shoe shoulder small sound South South␣Africa term term␣of␣endearment that throw throw␣away touch turn turning usually vomiting with

2 préfixes (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres devant le mot.)

Safechuck woodchuck

3 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

chu CHU Huck

Une anagramme moins une lettre (Nouveau mot formé avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)


3 cousins (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)

check chick Chuuk

Un lipogramme (Nouveau mot formé en enlevant une lettre du mot.)


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