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Le mot feather est un mot étranger

26 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • feather n. A branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies…
  • feather n. Long hair on the lower legs of a dog or horse, especially…
  • feather n. One of the fins or wings on the shaft of an arrow.
  • feather n. A longitudinal strip projecting from an object to strengthen…
  • feather n. Kind; nature; species (from the proverbial phrase "birds of a feather").
  • feather n. One of the two shims of the three-piece stone-splitting tool…
  • feather n. The angular adjustment of an oar or paddle-wheel float, with…
  • feather n. Anything petty or trifling; a whit or jot.
  • feather n. (Hunting, in the plural) Partridges and pheasants, as opposed…
  • feather n. (Rail transport) A junction indicator attached to a colour-light…
  • feather v. To cover or furnish with feathers; (when of an arrow) to fletch.
  • feather v. To adorn, as if with feathers; to fringe.
  • feather v. To arrange in the manner or appearance of feathers.
  • feather v. (Transitive, intransitive, rowing) To rotate the oars while…
  • feather v. (Aeronautics) To streamline the blades of an aircraft’s propeller…
  • feather v. (Carpentry, engineering) To finely shave or bevel an edge.
  • feather v. (Computer graphics) To intergrade or blend the pixels of…
  • feather v. (Intransitive) Of written or printed ink: to take on a blurry…
  • feather v. (Transitive) To render light as a feather; to give wings to.
  • feather v. (Transitive) To enrich; to exalt; to benefit.
  • feather v. (Transitive) To tread, as a cockerel.
  • feather v. (Snooker, billiards) To move the cue back and forth along…
  • feather v. (Snooker, billiards) To accidentally touch the cue ball with…
  • feather v. (Transitive) To touch lightly, like (or as if with) a feather.
  • feather v. (Transitive) To move softly, like a feather.
  • Feather prop.n. A surname.
34 mots français tirés des 26 définitions étrangères

arrange billiards blades bodies Computer cover cue fins float hair Hunting intransitive legs light like Long longitudinal nature paddle phrase pixels plural proverbial Rail rotate rowing shave Snooker stone strip structure the Transitive transport

101 mots étrangers tirés des 26 définitions étrangères

accidentally adjustment adorn Aeronautics aircraft along and angular Anything appearance arrow as␣if attached back back␣and␣forth ball benefit bevel birds birds␣of␣a␣feather blend blurry branching Carpentry cockerel colour Computer␣graphics cue␣ball dog edge engineering enrich especially exalt feather feathers finely fletch forth fringe from furnish give graphics grows grows␣on horse indicator ink intergrade jot junction Kind light␣as␣a␣feather lightly Long␣hair lower manner move oar oars object of␣a of␣an One on␣the opposed paddle␣wheel Partridges petty pheasants piece printed projecting propeller Rail␣transport render shaft shims softly species splitting streamline strengthen surname take take␣on that three tool touch tread trifling two wheel when while whit wings with written

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7 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

Ath FEA féa feat féât the thé

5 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)


Une anagramme avec une lettre supplémentaire (Nouveau mot formé avec toutes les lettres du mot et une lettre supplémentaire.)


9 anagrammes moins une lettre (Nouveaux mots formés avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)

æther éthéra fartée fêtera Herfte reféât refêta rehâte rehâté

Un cousin (Nouveau mot formé en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)


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