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Le mot lookout est un mot étranger

13 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • lookout n. A vantage point with a view of the surrounding area.
  • lookout n. A session of watching for an approaching enemy, police, etc.
  • lookout n. A person on watch for approaching enemy, police, danger, etc.
  • lookout n. A subject for observation; a prospect or view.
  • lookout n. One’s perspective, outlook; hence, one’s responsibility…
  • lookout n. An observation window.
  • lookout n. (Construction) A joist that extends in cantilever out from…
  • Lookout prop.n. A census-designated place in Modoc County, California, United States.
  • look-out n. Alternative spelling of lookout.
  • look␣out v. (Intransitive, idiomatic) To be vigilant and aware often…
  • look␣out v. (Transitive, idiomatic) To find by looking: to hunt out.
  • look␣out v. To be facing (used with "on").
  • look␣out v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see look, out.
25 mots français tirés des 13 définitions étrangères

Alternative area California cantilever Construction danger etc facing for Intransitive look observation out perspective place point police prospect session States the Transitive Used vigilant window

45 mots étrangers tirés des 13 définitions étrangères

and approaching aware census census-designated␣place County designated enemy extends figuratively find from hence hunt hunt␣out idiomatic idiomatically joist looking lookout Modoc Modoc␣County often one on␣watch other other␣than outlook person responsibility see spelling subject surrounding than that United United␣States used vantage vantage␣point view watch watching with

6 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

kou Loo look Look out oût

2 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

kool Ool

2 cousins (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)

lockout lock-out

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