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Le mot modality est un mot étranger

10 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • modality n. The fact of being modal.
  • modality n. (Logic) The classification of propositions on the basis on…
  • modality n. (Linguistics) The inflection of a verb that shows how its…
  • modality n. (Medicine) A method of diagnosis or therapy.
  • modality n. Any of the senses (such as sight or taste).
  • modality n. (Semiotics) A particular way in which the information is…
  • modality n. (Theology) The organization and structure of the church…
  • modality n. (Music) The subject concerning certain diatonic scales known…
  • modality n. (Sociology) The way in which infrastructure and knowledge…
  • modality n. (Law) The quality of being limited by a condition.
12 mots français tirés des 10 définitions étrangères

Any certain classification condition information infrastructure Law modal propositions shows structure the

43 mots étrangers tirés des 10 définitions étrangères

and basis being church concerning diagnosis diatonic diatonic␣scales fact how inflection its knowledge known limited Linguistics Logic Medicine method Music of␣a on␣the organization particular quality scales Semiotics senses sight Sociology subject such such␣as taste that Theology The␣quality therapy The␣way verb way way␣in which

14 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

Ali Alì dal dâl dāl ḏāl Dali dalit Dalit lit mod MOD modal odal

11 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

ado dom Dom DOM dôm ila ILA lad LAD lad. t-il

Une anagramme moins une lettre (Nouveau mot formé avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)


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