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Le mot picket est un mot étranger

13 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • picket n. A stake driven into the ground.
  • picket n. (Historical) A type of punishment by which an offender had…
  • picket n. A tool in mountaineering that is driven into the snow and…
  • picket n. (Military) One of the soldiers or troops placed on a line…
  • picket n. (Sometimes figurative) A sentry.
  • picket n. A protester positioned outside an office, workplace etc…
  • picket n. (Card games, uncountable) The card game piquet.
  • picket v. (Intransitive) To protest, organized by a labour union, typically…
  • picket v. (Transitive) To enclose or fortify with pickets or pointed stakes.
  • picket v. (Transitive) To tether to, or as if to, a picket.
  • picket v. (Transitive) To guard, as a camp or road, by an outlying picket.
  • picket v. (Obsolete, transitive) To torture by forcing to stand with…
— En allemand —
  • picket V. 2. Person Plural Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs picken.
22 mots français tirés des 13 définitions étrangères

camp des enclose etc figurative forcing game games Intransitive labour office Person piquet Plural protester snow stand the torture transitive type union

53 mots étrangers tirés des 13 définitions étrangères

Aktiv and as␣if card card␣game Card␣games driven driven␣into␣the␣ground fortify ground guard had Historical into Konjunktiv Konjunktiv␣I labour␣union line Military mountaineering Obsolete offender One organized outlying outside picken picket pickets placed pointed positioned Präsens protest punishment road sentry soldiers Sometimes stake stakes stand␣with tether that that␣is tool troops typically uncountable Verbs which with workplace

5 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

-ick ket pic Pic PIC

2 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

CIP tek

4 anagrammes moins une lettre (Nouveaux mots formés avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)

CEPIT picte Picte picté

3 cousins (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)

packet pichet ticket

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