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Le mot roundup est dans le Wiktionnaire

11 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— Mot français —
  • round-up n.m. Rassemblement de bétail et de chevaux sauvages effectué notamment lors du changement de pâture.
— En anglais —
  • roundup n. (US, agriculture) An activity in which cattle are herded…
  • roundup n. (Law enforcement) The similar police activity of gathering…
  • roundup n. The forcible gathering together of any particular group of people.
  • roundup n. The summary to a news bulletin.
  • roundup n. An upward curvature or convexity, as in the deck of a vessel.
  • roundup n. The finishing of an arrangement.
  • Roundup prop.n. A city, the county seat of Musselshell County, Montana…
  • round␣up v. (Transitive) To gather (cattle) together by riding around them.
  • round␣up v. (Transitive, idiomatic) To collect or gather (something) together.
  • round␣up v. (Transitive, arithmetic) To round (a number) to the smallest…
10 mots français tirés de la définition française

bétail changement chevaux effectué et␣de lors notamment pâture Rassemblement sauvages

14 mots français tirés des 10 définitions étrangères

agriculture are arrangement bulletin deck group Law Montana news people police round the Transitive

38 mots étrangers tirés des 10 définitions étrangères

activity any arithmetic around as␣in cattle city collect convexity county county␣seat curvature enforcement finishing forcible gather gathering herded idiomatic Law␣enforcement Musselshell Musselshell␣County number of␣a of␣an particular riding seat similar smallest something summary them together to␣the upward vessel which

3 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

DUP rou round

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