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Le mot straddle est un mot étranger

15 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • straddle v. (Transitive) To sit or stand with a leg on each side of something;…
  • straddle v. (Transitive) To be on both sides of something; to have parts…
  • straddle v. (Transitive) To consider or favor two apparently opposite…
  • straddle v. (Transitive) To form a disorderly sprawl; to spread out irregularly.
  • straddle v. (Military) To fire successive artillery shots in front of…
  • straddle v. (Poker) To place a voluntary raise prior to receiving cards…
  • straddle v. (Intransitive) To stand with the ends staggered; said of…
  • straddle v. (Economy) To execute a commodities market spread.
  • straddle n. A posture in which one straddles something.
  • straddle n. (Military) A pair or salvo of successive artillery shots…
  • straddle n. (Finance) An investment strategy involving simultaneous trade…
  • straddle n. (Poker) A voluntary raise made prior to receiving cards by…
  • straddle n. (Mining) A vertical mine-timber supporting a set.
  • straddle adv. Astride.
— En néerlandais —
  • straddle n. (Financieel) een call en een put-optie kopen met dezelfde…
26 mots français tirés des 15 définitions étrangères

Astride call Finance front have Intransitive met mine opposite out pair parts place Poker posture put raise set shots spread stand successive the trade Transitive vertical

54 mots étrangers tirés des 15 définitions étrangères

apparently artillery both cards commodities consider dezelfde disorderly each Economy een ends execute favor Financieel fire form in␣front in␣front␣of investment investment␣strategy involving irregularly kopen leg made market Military Mining one optie prior prior␣to receiving said salvo side sides simultaneous sit something sprawl spread␣out staggered stand␣with straddles strategy supporting timber two voluntary which which␣one with

6 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

ADD ddl DLE rad Stra tra

9 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

art Art art. arts dar dart darts LDD RTS

Une anagramme moins une lettre (Nouveau mot formé avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)


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