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Le mot wicket est un mot étranger

16 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • wicket n. A small door or gate, especially one beside a larger one.
  • wicket n. A small window or other opening, sometimes fitted with a grating.
  • wicket n. (Britain) A service window, as in a bank or train station…
  • wicket n. A ticket barrier at a rail station, box office at a cinema, etc.
  • wicket n. (Cricket) One of the two wooden structures at each end of…
  • wicket n. (Cricket) A dismissal; the act of a batsman getting out.
  • wicket n. (Cricket) The period during which two batsmen bat together.
  • wicket n. (Cricket) The pitch.
  • wicket n. (Cricket) The area around the stumps where the batsmen stand.
  • wicket n. (Croquet) Any of the small arches through which the balls are driven.
  • wicket n. (Skiing, snowboarding) A temporary metal attachment that…
  • wicket n. (US, dialect) A shelter made from tree boughs, used by lumbermen.
  • wicket n. (Mining) The space between the pillars, in post-and-stall working.
  • wicket n. (Internet, informal) An angle bracket when used in HTML.
  • wicket n. (Veterinary) A device to measure the height of animals, usually dogs.
— En néerlandais —
  • wicket n. (Sport) (cricket) doel bij een wedstrijd.
34 mots français tirés des 16 définitions étrangères

angle Any arches are area bank barrier bat box box␣office cricket Croquet etc gate HTML Internet larger metal office out pitch post rail service snowboarding space Sport stand station structures the ticket train window

71 mots étrangers tirés des 16 définitions étrangères

act and angle␣bracket animals around as␣in attachment balls batsman batsmen beside between bij boughs bracket Britain cinema device dialect dismissal doel dogs door driven during each een end end␣of especially fitted from getting getting␣out grating height informal lumbermen made measure Mining of␣a one opening other period pillars shelter Skiing small sometimes stall stumps temporary that through ticket␣barrier together train␣station tree two used usually Veterinary wedstrijd when where which with wooden working

3 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

-ick ket Wick

Un sous-mot DàG (Mot écrit de droite à gauche, se trouvant tel quel à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)


2 cousins (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)

ticket Wicken

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