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Le mot right est un mot étranger

38 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— En anglais —
  • right adj. (Archaic) Straight, not bent.
  • right adj. (Geometry) Of an angle, having a size of 90 degrees, or…
  • right adj. (Geometry) Of a geometric figure, incorporating a right…
  • right adj. Complying with justice, correctness, or reason; correct, just, true.
  • right adj. Appropriate, perfectly suitable; fit for purpose.
  • right adj. Healthy, sane, competent.
  • right adj. Real; veritable (used emphatically).
  • right adj. (Australia) All right; not requiring assistance.
  • right adj. (Dated) Most favourable or convenient; fortunate.
  • right adj. Designating the side of the body which is positioned to…
  • right adj. (Geography) Designating the bank of a river (Etc.) on one’s…
  • right adj. Designed to be placed or worn outward.
  • right adj. (Politics) Pertaining to the political right; conservative.
  • right adv. On the right side.
  • right adv. Towards the right side.
  • right adv. Exactly, precisely.
  • right adv. Immediately, directly.
  • right adv. (Britain, US, dialect) Very, extremely, quite.
  • right adv. According to fact or truth; actually; truly; really.
  • right adv. In a correct manner.
  • right adv. (Dated, still used in some titles) To a great extent or degree.
  • right interj. Yes, that is correct; I agree.
  • right interj. I have listened to what you just said and I acknowledge…
  • right interj. Signpost word to change the subject in a discussion or discourse.
  • right interj. Used to check listener engagement and (especially) agreement…
  • right interj. Used to add seriousness or decisiveness before a statement.
  • right n. That which complies with justice, law or reason.
  • right n. A legal, just or moral entitlement.
  • right n. The right side or direction.
  • right n. The right hand or fist.
  • right n. The authority to perform, publish, film, or televise a particular…
  • right n. (Politics) The ensemble of right-wing political parties;…
  • right n. The outward or most finished surface, as of a coin, piece…
  • right n. (Surfing) A wave breaking from right to left (viewed from the shore).
  • right v. (Transitive) To correct.
  • right v. (Transitive) To set upright.
  • right v. (Intransitive) To return to normal upright position.
  • right v. (Transitive) To do justice to; to relieve from wrong; to…
44 mots français tirés des 38 définitions étrangères

All␣right angle assistance bank bent body breaking change check coin complies conservative correct direction discussion engagement ensemble Etc figure film fit for hand have Healthy Intransitive justice moral Most normal parties position quite Real river sane set size Straight surface the Transitive Used Yes

123 mots étrangers tirés des 38 définitions étrangères

According According␣to acknowledge actually add agree agreement All and Appropriate Archaic as␣of Australia authority before Britain change␣the␣subject competent Complying convenient correctness Dated decisiveness degree degrees Designating Designed dialect directly discourse do␣justice emphatically entitlement especially Exactly extent extremely fact favourable finished fist fit␣for␣purpose fortunate from Geography geometric Geometry great having Immediately incorporating just law left legal listened listener manner most not of␣a Of␣an one On␣the outward particular perfectly perform Pertaining piece placed political political␣parties Politics positioned precisely publish purpose really reason relieve requiring return right right␣hand right␣side right␣wing said seriousness shore side Signpost some statement still subject suitable Surfing televise that that␣is titles To␣a␣great␣extent to␣the Towards true truly truth upright used Used␣to veritable Very viewed wave what which wing with word worn wrong you

141 fois au milieu (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres devant et à la fin du mot.)

Brighton wrightie Brightons wrighties Wrightois Albrighton brightique brightisme Brightling Brightwell copyrighta copyrighte copyrighté copyrights brightiques brightismes copyrightai copyrightas copyrightât copyrightée copyrighter copyrightes copyrightés copyrightez New␣Brighton Brightwalton copyrightais copyrightait copyrightant copyrightées copyrightent copyrightera copyrightiez copyrightons décopyrighta décopyrighte décopyrighté noblebrights recopyrighta recopyrighte recopyrighté Wrightington Brightlingsea copyrightable copyrightâmes copyrightasse copyrightâtes copyrighterai copyrighteras copyrighterez +91 mots

9 préfixes (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres devant le mot.)

Wright all␣right alt-right sebright copyright Pirbright Rollright noblebright Kirkcudbright

Un sous-mot (Mot se trouvant tel quel à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)


2 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

gir GIR

Une anagramme avec une lettre supplémentaire (Nouveau mot formé avec toutes les lettres du mot et une lettre supplémentaire.)


Une anagramme moins une lettre (Nouveau mot formé avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)


8 cousins (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)

aight fight Gight light night Righi tight Wight

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