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Le mot windup est un mot étranger

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— En anglais —
  • windup n. The act of ending or concluding something.
  • windup n. The last part of something; a conclusion.
  • windup n. (Britain) A practical joke or tease.
  • windup n. (Baseball) The act of preparing for a certain style of pitching.
  • windup n. (US, figurative) A long explanation of some line of thought…
  • windup adj. Operated by a coiled spring that is wound by hand.
  • wind-up n. The end or conclusion of something.
  • wind-up n. A punch line of a joke or comedy routine.
  • wind-up n. (Britain) A humorous attempt to fool somebody, a practical…
  • wind-up n. (Baseball) The phase of making a pitch where the pitcher…
  • wind-up n. (Television) A circular hand gesture, supposed to represent…
  • wind-up adj. (Of a machine) Needing to be wound up in order to function.
  • wind␣up n. Alternative form of wind-up.
  • wind␣up v. (Literally, transitive) To wind (Rope, string, mainsprings…
  • wind␣up v. (Transitive) To put (A clock, watch, etc.) in a state of…
  • wind␣up v. (Transitive, figurative extension) To tighten (someone or…
  • wind␣up v. (Transitive, figurative extension) To excite.
  • wind␣up v. (Transitive, figurative extension) To upset; to anger or distress.
  • wind␣up v. (Literally, transitive) To roll up (a car window or well…
  • wind␣up v. (Intransitive, copulative) To end up; to arrive or result.
  • wind␣up v. (Intransitive) To increase (in some aspect).
  • wind␣up v. (Transitive) To conclude, complete, or finish (something).
  • wind␣up v. (Britain, transitive) To play a prank (on); to take the mickey…
  • wind␣up v. (Baseball, intransitive) To make the preparatory movements…
43 mots français tirés des 24 définitions étrangères

Alternative anger arrive aspect Baseball car certain conclude conclusion copulative etc excite explanation extension figurative finish fool for hand intransitive joke last long machine mickey part phase pitch pitcher prank punch punch␣line put Rope routine spring state string style tease the transitive window

64 mots étrangers tirés des 24 définitions étrangères

A␣clock act attempt Britain by␣hand circular clock coiled comedy complete concluding distress end ending end␣up form function gesture humorous in␣a␣state increase in␣order in␣order␣to line line␣of␣thought Literally mainsprings make making movements Needing of␣a Operated order pitching play practical practical␣joke preparatory preparing represent result roll roll␣up some somebody someone something supposed take take␣the␣mickey Television that that␣is thought tighten upset watch well where wind wind␣up wound wound␣up

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