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Le mot drop est dans le Wiktionnaire

59 courts extraits du Wiktionnaire (Dictionnaire libre et gratuit que chacun peut améliorer.)

— Mots français —
  • drop n.m. (Rugby) Coup de pied en demi-volée par lequel un joueur de rugby tente d’envoyer le ballon par-dessus…
  • drop n.m. (Boxe) Coup de poing descendant.
  • drop n.m. Système de levage utilisé pour le chargement des navires.
— Mot étranger, défini en français —
  • Polonais - Tchèque
    • drop n.m. (Ornithologie) Outarde.
— Mot français, défini en anglais —
  • drop n. (Rugby) drop goal.
— En espagnol —
  • drop s. En el tenis, golpe suave y con mucho efecto, que pica muy…
  • drop s. En el rugby, acción de patear la pelota a los palos en el…
  • drop s. En el rugby, anotación que vale tres puntos y se consigue…
— En anglais —
  • drop n. (Also figuratively) A small quantity of liquid, just large…
  • drop n. (Figuratively) A very small quantity of liquid, or (by extension)…
  • drop n. That which hangs or resembles a liquid globule, such as a…
  • drop n. A thing which drops or hangs down.
  • drop n. An act or instance of dropping (in all senses).
  • drop n. A decline in degree, quality, quantity, or rate.
  • drop n. The distance through which something drops, or falls below a certain level.
  • drop n. A place where items or supplies may be left for others to…
  • drop n. (Informal) Only used in get the drop on, have the drop on An advantage.
  • drop n. (Music) A point in a song, usually electronic music such…
  • drop v. (Intransitive) Of a liquid: to fall in drops or droplets.
  • drop v. (Intransitive, also figuratively) To fall (straight down)…
  • drop v. (Intransitive) To fall or sink quickly or suddenly to the ground.
  • drop v. (Intransitive) To collapse in exhaustion or injury; also…
  • drop v. (Intransitive) To fall into a particular condition or state.
  • drop v. (Intransitive) To come to an end (by not being kept up); to lapse, to stop.
  • drop v. (Intransitive) To decrease, diminish, or lessen in condition…
  • drop v. (Intransitive) To fall behind or to the rear of a group of…
  • drop v. (Intransitive) Usually followed by by, in, or into: of a…
  • drop v. (Intransitive, computing, music, television, colloquial)…
  • drop v. (Intransitive, gambling) To drop out of the betting.
  • drop v. (Intransitive, physiology, informal) Of the testicles: to…
  • drop v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To let drops fall; to discharge itself in drops.
  • drop v. (Transitive) To drip (a liquid) in drops or small amounts.
  • drop v. (Transitive, ergative, also figuratively) To let (something)…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To move to a lower position; to allow to hang…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To reduce; to make smaller.
  • drop v. (Transitive) Of an animal (usually a sheep): to give birth…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To mention (something) casually or incidentally…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To let (A letter, etc.) fall into a postbox;…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To make (someone or something) fall to the ground…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To set down (someone or something) from a vehicle;…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To lower (A sound, a voice, etc.) in pitch or volume.
  • drop v. (Transitive) To cease concerning oneself over (someone or…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To dispose or get rid of (something); to lose, to remove.
  • drop v. (Transitive) To cease to include (something), as if on a…
  • drop v. (Transitive) To cancel or cease to participate in (a scheduled…
  • drop v. (Transitive, slang).
  • drop v. (Transitive, computing, music, television, colloquial) To…
  • drop v. (Transitive, linguistics) To fail to write, or (especially)…
  • drop v. (Transitive, music).
  • drop v. (Transitive, sports).
  • drop v. (Transitive, archaic) To cover (something) with or as if…
  • drop v. (Intransitive, computing) To enter a more basic interface.
  • drop v. (Transitive, computing) To present the user with a more basic interface.
— En néerlandais —
  • drop n. (Snoepgoed) zwart gekleurd snoepgoed gemaakt van o.a. zoethoutextract…
  • drop n. (Badminton) slag waarmee de shuttle vlak achter het net wordt gespeeld.
  • drop n. Druppel.
  • drop w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van droppen.
  • drop w. Gebiedende wijs van droppen.
  • drop w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van droppen.
29 mots français tirés des 4 définitions françaises

ballon Boxe chargement Coup Coup␣de␣pied Coup␣de␣poing demi demi-volée des descendant dessus envoyer joueur joueur␣de␣rugby lequel levage navires Ornithologie Outarde par par-dessus pied poing pour rugby Système tente utilisé volée

66 mots français tirés des 55 définitions étrangères

animal Badminton basic betting cancel certain collapse con condition cover dispose distance down drop drops enter ergative etc exhaustion extension for gambling globule goal group hang have het instance interface Intransitive items lapse large let los lose mention more net out pelota pica pitch place point position que rate rugby set sink slang sports state stop straight suave supplies the Transitive tres user vale van volume

168 mots étrangers tirés des 55 définitions étrangères

acción achter act advantage all allow also amounts archaic as␣if behind being below Bij birth by␣extension casually cease colloquial come come␣to come␣to␣an␣end computing concerning consigue decline decrease degree diminish discharge drip drop␣goal droplets drop␣out droppen dropping Druppel Eerste Eerste␣persoon efecto electronic electronic␣music end enkelvoud especially fail fall fall␣behind fall␣in fall␣into falls falls␣below fall␣to fall␣to␣the␣ground figuratively followed followed␣by from Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs gekleurd gemaakt gespeeld get get␣rid␣of get␣the␣drop␣on give give␣birth golpe ground hangs have␣the␣drop␣on in␣all incidentally include in␣condition informal injury into inversie itself just kept kept␣up left lessen letter level linguistics liquid lower make may may␣be move mucho music muy not obsolete of␣a Of␣an oneself Only or␣something others out␣of over palos participate particular patear persoon physiology postbox present puntos quality quantity quickly rear reduce remove resembles rid scheduled senses set␣down sheep shuttle slag small smaller snoepgoed someone something song sound such such␣as suddenly tegenwoordige␣tijd television tenis testicles That thing through tijd To␣come To␣let to␣the tweede tweede␣persoon used usually vehicle very vlak voice waarmee where which wijs with wordt write zwart

95 suffixes (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres à la fin du mot.)

dropa drope Drope dropé drops Dropt dropai dropas dropât dropax dropée droper dropes dropés dropez droppa droppe drop dropage dropais dropait dropant dropées dropent dropera dropiez droplet dropons droppai droppas droppât droppée dropper droppes droppés droppez dropages dropâmes dropasse dropâtes droperai droperas droperez drop-goal dropions droppage droppais droppait droppant droppées +45 mots

624 fois au milieu (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres devant et à la fin du mot.)

adropa adrope adropé adropai adropas adropât adropée adroper adropes adropés adropez dropa drope dropé redropa redrope redropé adropais adropait adropant adropées adropent adropera adropiez adropons airdropa airdrope airdropé dropai dropas dropât dropée droper dropes dropés dropez mic␣drops redropai redropas redropât redropée redroper redropes redropés redropez redroppa redroppe redrop adropâmes adropasse +574 mots

8 préfixes (Nouveaux mots formés en ajoutant une ou plusieurs lettres devant le mot.)

Geldrop Landrop mic␣drop Vlodrop Staindrop drag␣and␣drop Hoog-Geldrop Knotting␣and␣Souldrop

2 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

dro Dro

2 sous-mots DàG (Mots écrits de droite à gauche, se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot. Taille minimum de 3 lettres.)

ord Ord

2 anagrammes (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant l'ordre des lettres du mot.)

Dorp prod

13 anagrammes avec une lettre supplémentaire (Nouveaux mots formés avec toutes les lettres du mot et une lettre supplémentaire.)

Adorp doper dropa drope Drope dropé drops Dropt Pedro POSDR Prado prode prods

16 anagrammes moins une lettre (Nouveaux mots formés avec les lettres du mot moins une lettre du mot.)

dop DOP d’or DPO dro Dro ODR ord Ord pod POD pro PRO pro- Rod RPO

12 cousins (Nouveaux mots formés en changeant une lettre dans le mot.)

crop Diop drap Drap droc Drom DROM dros Drot drow prop- trop

4 lipogrammes (Nouveaux mots formés en enlevant une lettre du mot.)

dop DOP dro Dro

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